Quality control

The basic quality policy-related commitment of our company is to satisfy our customers’ requirements with our products and services.

By way of the quality of products and the image we have created on the market, from the inception of our company until the present day, we have been building our business success and increasing customer satisfaction and safety.

Meeting the requirements of the standards pertaining to the product quality and safety helps to define the roles of both management and the employees who perform their tasks in accordance with the prescribed documentation and ensure the quality at the required level.

Žitopromet Mlinpek company operates in accordance with the ISO 22000: 2018 standard and the HACCP control system. In this way, the existence of a control system is confirmed, and so is the fulfillment of the requirements for the quality of products and services in the entire chain, from the receipt of raw materials to the delivery of finished products.

At the very beginning of the production chain, we achieve safety by carefully selecting raw materials and suppliers with whom we establish quality partnerships. The raw materials for production and the finished products are both GMO-free.

The control performed upon the receipt of cereals meets the national standards, and the quality data are stored in databases. Control at receipt also determines the method of storage, which later affects the quality of the milling when wheat is selected from different cells.

The process of storage of goods in our silos is recognized as an important factor affecting the production of quality and safe raw materials for processing and obtaining mill products of satisfactory quality. Accordingly, when storing the raw material, the temperature of the mass is monitored and maintained with the help of a cooling system as well as through the application of other guidelines of good manufacturing practice. The silo also houses a dryer used for drying grains of containing higher degrees of moisture before the grains are stored in cells, thus keeping the raw material safe and preserving its high quality.

The very process of grain preparation and milling is automated, which enables a more efficient monitoring of the process parameters which are crucial for the quality, capacity and utilization of raw materials. The traceability system has also been improved throughout the production process.

In the laboratory located within the mill, analyses of both input raw materials and semi-finished and finished products are performed for the purpose of keeping the process under control at all times and maintaining the product quality at the required level.

In addition to the in-house laboratory, we cooperate with accredited external companies where quality control and safety of our products are performed at planned intervals.

Laboratory equipment

The laboratory is equipped with devices that help determine important parameters of the quality of raw materials, semi-finished products and finished products.

In addition to dryers, annealing ovens, laboratory sieves and scales, the laboratory is equipped with:


A farinograph manufactured by Brabender, which is used to determine the physical properties of the dough during the mixing process, due to the action of proteolytic enzymes and in the course of the fermentation processes.

An extensograph manufactured by Brabender, which is used to determine the physical properties of the dough, that is, it measures the extensibility and the tensile strength of the dough.

A device for determining the Hagberg falling number, manufactured by Perten, which determines the activity of enzymes in the wheat and the flour.

A viscograph manufactured by Brabender, with computer processing of the results, which serves to determine the maximum viscosity, i.e. it serves an indicator of the enzymatic activity of the flour.

A fast grain analyzer manufactured by Foss – Infratec 1241, which performs fast analyzes of flour and cereals in terms of moisture, protein, ash, gluten and other quality-wise important parameters.

A laboratory combined mill manufactured by Maxwell, which is used for the preparation of flour samples for laboratory analysis, performing the process of milling different wheat samples in laboratory conditions.